
accounting for lease termination costs

Early adoption was also permitted for entities that applied IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers at or before the date of initial application of IFRS 16. The purpose of this article is to summarise some of the key issues related to IFRS 16 from the perspective of the lessee and how these impact on financial reporting. Based on the above remeasurement there is a debit to the lease liability of $13,553.14 and the balancing



to the ROU asset. Like with any modification, the lessee is required to update the discount rate at the date effective. At the beginning of year 3, the lease liability was valued at $2,457,000 and the right of use asset $2,500,053.

At the same time, X enters into a contract with Y for the right to use the building for 20 years, with annual payments of $200,000 payable at the end of each year. The terms and conditions of the transaction are such that the transfer of the building by X satisfies the requirements for determining when a performance obligation is satisfied in IFRS 15. Accordingly, X and Y account for the transaction as a sale and leaseback. Under IFRS, the exercise of an unplanned purchase option requires a reassessment of our lease liability and corresponding lease asset.

Remeasuring the Right-of-Use Asset Based on Change in Lease Liability

The assumed sublease payments cannot reduce the remaining lease payments below zero. The cease-use date occurs when the lessee stops using the leased property. As mentioned above, we split the journal entry for this approach into two steps (above) for clarity.

However, at the start of year three, Wigwam no longer requires the machine and immediately terminates the lease due to a new way of manufacturing. As stipulated in the lease contract, a lease termination incurs a $500,000 termination fee and, in doing so, will remove the obligation of future lease payments and have the ability to return the leased machinery. This article presents information on terminations, specifically partial terminations. It also provides a step-by-step guide on how to remeasure both the lease liability and lease asset under ASC 842 and IFRS 16 when the rights of the original lease are partially terminated.

8 Accounting for a lease termination – lessor

For example, if the lease liability decreases by 5% based on the new payment terms, the lessee would calculate a 5% reduction in the right-of-use asset value. Any variance between the adjustment to the asset and the liability should be recorded in current period gain or loss. The lessor often stipulates within the agreement that the lessee must pay a penalty upon execution of the termination.

Like many aspects of lease accounting on face value, the accounting appears straightforward. When a lease has been terminated in its entirety, the lessee should no longer recognize a right of use asset and a lease liability. If you are contemplating a possible lease termination, please contact your tax and accounting expert to assist you in applying this guidance in your specific circumstances.

Approach 2: proportionate change in the remaining ROU asset

The lessee would next calculate the remaining liability as the lease liability before modification ($27,089,980) less the proportionate lease liability reduction ($10,835,992), resulting in a remaining liability of $16,253,988. The carrying amount of the lease asset before modification ($24,630,474) is then reduced by the percentage change in the remaining ROU asset. In this example, the original terms of the agreement state that the lessee will lease five floors.

accounting for lease termination costs

This scenario might come into play if the lessor is not interested in negotiating a lease termination and insists that the lessee perform as agreed. In this case, the fair value of the liability at the “cease-use date” should be recorded. This liability will be based on the remaining lease payments, reduced by estimated sublease rentals (if allowed) that could be reasonably obtained for the property-even if the lessee does not intend to enter into a sublease.

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